The FREE 'Reclaim Your Spark' Workshop Starts Apr 29 @ 7pm CST

The Next FREE 'Reclaim Your Spark' Workshop Is Right Around The Corner

ATTN: For Christian Women Seeking Confidence

Discover How to Embrace Your True Self and Shine in Your Career with Our Unique 'Reclaim Your Spark' Method

Without feeling overlooked or insecure at work

Watch This Video First! (Audio On!)

Attention Headline (Call out the Avatar)

EVENT Headline

Event Sub-Headline

Only 100 Seats Available

SAVE THE DATES: 'Reclaim Your Spark Workshop'

Starts Apr 29 @ 7pm CST

There's Still time to join...

Hop In Before The Event Ends In...


Ready To Create a bullet-proof gameplan to eradicate the feeling of being overlooked and insecure both personally and professionally?...

Unlock The 5 Step Framework To

Confidence Boost

With The 'Reclaim Your Spark Method'

What You Can Expect When You Attend

THE 'Reclaim Your Spark Workshop'

BEFORE The Event

Insecure appearance

Overlooked at work

Unsure about life

Stuck in a rut

Low self-esteem

Unfulfilled dreams

Fear of failure

Unclear goals

Lack of support

AFTER The Event

Confident self-image

Recognized for contributions

Clear life vision

Empowered for change

High self-confidence

Living dream life

Courage to succeed

Focused life objectives

Supported by community

Save The Dates:

Event Name Here

Starts Feb 28 @ 9 AM ET

100% FREE* To Those Who Qualify

Ready To [Avoid Pain / Get Desired Outcome]?

Here's What You Can Expect From The 1/2 Day "[Your Event Name]" Event!

Before The Event

Old Belief #1

Old Belief #2

Old Belief #3

Old Belief #4

Old Belief #5

After The Event

New Belief #1

New Belief #2

New Belief #3

New Belief #4

New Belief #5

Why am I Hosting This Workshop?

After being in the industry and hearing from so many Gen X Business Women like you, I know that the only way to Create a bullet-proof gameplan to eradicate the feeling of being overlooked and insecure both personally and professionally is to help you learn from my experience.

At LuminaryLife Network, we've been incredibly successful and have helped countless Gen X Business Women get started on doing the same! But I have come to realize that my experience and expertise go far beyond just starting out.

I've mastered SO many skills, and built such a DEPTH of knowledge - that I can really help those who are ready for NEXT level change... I have so many systems, strategies and frameworks!

So I created this Workshop for 3 reasons:

1. Empower women to gain self-confidence and assertiveness in their professional lives

2. Provide tools and knowledge for personal and career growth

3. Create a supportive community for Christian business women

What I love is that everyone can truly benefit from coming to this event! It's a true WIN-WIN.

Why is it INVITE-ONLY?

What makes this Reclaim Your Spark Workshop such a MASSIVE success is simple. We cover ADVANCED topics.

We need to ensure that everyone in the room has a BASELINE knowledge so you can HELP EACH other and bring value to one another.

So, unfortunately that means we have to have a minimum requirement, which is:

1. ...

2. ...

3. ...

This way - because everyone attending are successful Gen X Business Women, the opportunity is truly UNMATCHED and we can get you the advanced material you need to help you in your Relationships.

Why Is This FREE?

Simple. I want to help you get "results in advance" so we can earn your trust & hopefully get you to invest in our paid stuff later on.


I don't have anything to hide. I want to create a risk-free environment to connect with you and create so much value for everyone who attends that working with with one another just becomes natural.

That's it. That's my simple goal.

The 'Reclaim Your Spark Workshop'

Will Walk You Through Step-By-Step


'Reclaim Your Spark Workshop'

Will Walk You Through


In this Workshop I'm going to share the SIMPLE, CLEAR, & PROVEN

5 Step Framework to help you become confident and successful in your career

In this Workshop I'm going to share the SIMPLE, CLEAR, & PROVEN 5 Step Framework to help you become confident and successful in your career

Here's Who Is Attending...

THE 'Reclaim Your Spark Workshop'




Are You Next?


Are You Next?


Are You Next?


Are You Next?


Are You Next?


Are You Next?


Are You Next?


Are You Next?

WHERE: Virtual On Zoom

WHEN: Apr 29 @ 7pm CST

How To Qualify To Attend

This Attend For FREE* ...

Event Starts In...

How To Qualify To Attend

This Attend For FREE* ...

You Must Attend Live - No replays available

If You're On This List...


  • Lost in life's maze

  • Searching for direction

  • Seeking purpose and clarity

  • Overwhelmed by responsibilities

  • Struggling to find balance

  • Stuck in a rut

  • Yearning for change

  • Feeling uninspired and stagnant

  • Wrestling with self-doubt

  • Frustrated with lack of progress

  • Striving for fulfillment

  • Battling with inner demons

  • Feeling trapped and confined

  • Longing for fulfillment and joy

  • Hindered by fear

  • Yearning for connection

  • Craving authenticity and meaning

  • Struggling with self-worth

  • Facing uncertainty and doubt

  • Drained by negativity

  • Navigating through darkness

  • Wrestling with inner conflict

  • Longing for purposeful living

  • Feeling disconnected and isolated

  • Grappling with overwhelm

  • Hindered by past traumas

  • Seeking inner peace

  • Tired of feeling stuck

  • Craving validation

  • Struggling with indecision

  • Feeling discouraged and defeated

  • Yearning for inspiration

  • Weary from constant stress

  • Battling with anxiety

  • Longing for fulfillment and joy

  • Struggling with burnout

  • Feeling lost and alone

  • Searching for meaning

  • Desiring transformation

  • Lost in life's maze

  • Searching for direction

  • Seeking purpose and clarity

  • Overwhelmed by responsibilities

  • Struggling to find balance

  • Stuck in a rut

  • Yearning for change

  • Feeling uninspired and stagnant

  • Wrestling with self-doubt

  • Frustrated with lack of progress

  • Striving for fulfillment

  • Battling with inner demons

  • Feeling trapped and confined

  • Longing for fulfillment and joy

  • Hindered by fear

  • Yearning for connection

  • Craving authenticity and meaning

  • Struggling with self-worth

  • Facing uncertainty and doubt

  • Drained by negativity

  • Navigating through darkness

  • Wrestling with inner conflict

  • Longing for purposeful living

  • Feeling disconnected and isolated

  • Grappling with overwhelm

  • Hindered by past traumas

  • Seeking inner peace

  • Tired of feeling stuck

  • Craving validation

  • Struggling with indecision

  • Feeling discouraged and defeated

  • Yearning for inspiration

  • Weary from constant stress

  • Battling with anxiety

  • Longing for fulfillment and joy

  • Struggling with burnout

  • Feeling lost and alone

  • Searching for meaning

  • Desiring transformation

Why Am I Hosting [Event Name]

I've been in the industry for X years and after hearing from so many [avatars], I know that the only way to achieve [results] fast without [old methods/pain] is to help you learn from my experience.

At [company], we've been incredibly successful and have helped countless [avatars] get started on doing the same. But I've come to realize that my experience and expertise go far beyond just starting out.

I've mastered SO many skills over the years, and built such a DEPTH of knowledge - that I can really help the NEXT level of [avatars]. I have so many systems, strategies and frameworks!

So I created [event] for 3 reasons:

[Reason 1]

[Reason 2]

[Reason 3]

What I love is that everyone can truly benefit from coming to this event! It's a true WIN-WIN.

Why is it


What makes [Event Name] such a MASSIVE success is simple. We cover ADVANCED topics.

We need to ensure that everyone in the room has a BASELINE knowledge so you can HELP EACH other and bring value to one another. So, unfortunately that means we have to have a minimum requirement, which is [requirements].

This way - because everyone attending is a successful [avatar], the opportunity is truly UNMATCHED and we can get you the advanced material you need to truly [scale your X].

Why Is This FREE?

Simple. I want to help you get ?results in advance?so we can earn your trust & hopefully get you to invest in our paid stuff later on.


I don't have anything to hide. I want to create a risk-free environment to connect with you and create so much value for everyone who attends that working with with one another just becomes natural.

That's it. That's my simple goal.

Location: Virtual On Zoom Feb 28 @ 9 AM EST

Event Starts In...

How To Qualify To Attend This Advent For FREE* ...

Big Qualification #1

(Some more details)

Big Qualification #2

(Some more details)

You Must Attend Live - No replays available.

Testimonial #1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque dolor eu urna rutrum feugiat. Mauris nec lectus vel lacus ultrices mollis.

Samantha Jones

Testimonial #2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque dolor eu urna rutrum feugiat. Mauris nec lectus vel lacus ultrices mollis.

John Dipadoe

In this Workshop I'm going to share the SIMPLE, CLEAR, & PROVEN 5 Step Framework to help you become confident and successful in your career

Here's What You'll Learn During This Virtual

Reclaim Your Spark 5 day Workshop!

The "[Event Name]"

Will Walk You Through Step-By-Step

In The [Event Name] I'm going to share the SIMPLE, CLEAR, & PROVEN [System] that I Personally used to [Get Big Result]

Here's What You'll Learn During This 1/2 Day Virtual

"[Event Name]" Event!

Session #1 - Monday (Apr 29)

Session #1

Who are YOU, and Who do YOU Desire to BE?

We're not wasting any time... You Will CLAIM Your Starting Position BEFORE we Map Our Your FUTURE.

There's one thing I'm going to ask of you as you go through each day of the Challenge:

Keep an open mind. Some of the things we're going to share will be new and unfamiliar to you. Don't let that stop you. Because on the other side of 'I don't know' or "I don't think I can do that" is freedom.

Here's what you'll learn during Session 1...

Realizing WHERE You Currently Are In Your LIFE: Taking Ownership of The CHOICES You Have Made in Life so That You Can Move FORWARD and BUILD YOUR DREAM LIFE!

Tying EMOTIONS to Where YOU Are and WHY You Are There.: Acknowledging and Accepting the Feelings That Occurred From Past Choices WILL HELP YOU to MOVE FORWARD into a BETTER FUTURE

NOW LETS START DREAMING.: What Does Your DREAM LIFE Look Like? Write it all Down, Think This Over Before Tomorrows Session and Keep Adding to the Lists.



Session #2 - Tuesday (Apr 30)

Session #2


Who are ALL of the People you Care for Ahead of Yourself?

Here's what you'll learn during Session 2...

What Would Happen if You Were to be ILL or INJURED?: We Need to Take Care of OURSELVES, Even if it Feels SELFISH, so That we Can Care For OTHERS.

What does SELFCARE mean to you?: Make a List of SELFCARE Ideas. Pick Your TOP 3. Schedule Them Into Your CALENDAR.




Session #3 - Wednesday (May 1)

Session #3


Creating a Vision for You & your Family.

Here's what you'll learn during Session 3...

Why having GOALS in LIFE IS so IMPORTANT.: Helping FAMILY to SHARE their VISION of the FUTURE with YOU

Turning their Visions into Family Goals Together. Tying GOALS & VISION together: How these Visions & Goals Work in our Brains & Help us to GET WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE.

Why VISION BOARDS are helpful to reach GOALS.: Bringing your FAMILY on Board to Set GOALS & Create a VISION BOARD.



Session #4 - Thursday (May 2)

Session #4



Here's what you'll learn during Session 4...

Where Do You Want To Be In 5 YEARS?: DREAM BIG! What Can You ACCOMPLISH In 5 YEARS If You Are 100% FOCUSED?

From Your 5 YEAR VISION/GOALS Lets BREAK It Down Into 5 STEPS/CATEGORIES.: Once You Have Accomplished Creating Your 5 STEPS/CATEGORIES. Time to CHOOSE ONE to Start With, This Now Will Become Your 1 YEAR GOAL.

Now We Take The 1 YEAR GOAL and Determine ACTION STEPS to Reach That GOAL.: Lets Make 10 BIG ACTION STEPS For The YEAR. Now Break Them Down Further to 44 WEEKLY Tasks, Then 220 DAILY Tasks.



Session #5 - Friday (May 3)

Session #5

Tying it ALL together

Creating Unity

Here's what you'll learn during Session 5...

Family Calendar: What kind of Calendar? What goes on the Calendar? What if we have conflicting events?

What if My FAMILY (or a member) Does Not Want to Participate?: Maybe They Prefer a DIFFERENT Type of CALENDAR? It is OK for Them to Bow Out, However, I Would Explain the Consequences of Doing so.

Have you Heard of the LAW of ATTRACTION?: Did you Know That There is BIBLICAL EVIDENCE that the LOA is GOD'S PLAN for us?



Session #1

[Origin Story To System]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

You'll walk away with?

[Session #1 Big Breakthrough #1]

[Session #1 Big Breakthrough #2]

[Session #1 Big Breakthrough #3]

[Session #1 Big Breakthrough #4]

Session #2

[Origin Story To System]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

You'll walk away with?

[Session #2 Big Breakthrough #1]

[Session #2 Big Breakthrough #2]

[Session #2 Big Breakthrough #3]

[Session #2 Big Breakthrough #4]

Session #3

[Origin Story To System]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

You'll walk away with?

[Session #3 Big Breakthrough #1]

[Session #3 Big Breakthrough #2]

[Session #3 Big Breakthrough #3]

[Session #3 Big Breakthrough #4]

Session #4

[Origin Story To System]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

You'll walk away with?

[Session #4 Big Breakthrough #1]

[Session #4 Big Breakthrough #2]

[Session #4 Big Breakthrough #3]

[Session #4 Big Breakthrough #4]

Session #5

[Origin Story To System]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

You'll walk away with?

[Session #5 Big Breakthrough #1]

[Session #5 Big Breakthrough #2]

[Session #5 Big Breakthrough #3]

[Session #5 Big Breakthrough #4]

Testimonial #1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque dolor eu urna rutrum feugiat. Mauris nec lectus vel lacus ultrices mollis.

Samantha Jones

Testimonial #2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque dolor eu urna rutrum feugiat. Mauris nec lectus vel lacus ultrices mollis.

John Dipadoe

Meet Your host

Tamara Lynn Grgas

For 59 years, I've been crafting my dream life, embracing a gradual journey of learning and growth. My hope for you is to accelerate your path by sharing the tools and resources I've developed, empowering you to reach your dream life with greater speed and efficiency!

Here's What Others Have To Say

Written Testimonials from 3 Customer experiences in my Salon.

- C.Cox & Joan & Sharon

Written Testimonials from 3 Customer experiences in my Salon.

- Joslyn & Teresa & Katie

Written Testimonials from 4 Customer experiences in my Salon.

- Suzy & S & Susy & Julie

Written Testimonials from 3 Customer experiences in my Salon.

- Denise & Carol & Anon

Written Testimonials from 6 Customer experiences in my Salon.

- C.Cox & Sharon & Teresa & Joslyn & Susy & S

Written Testimonials from 5 Customer experiences in my Salon.

- Joan & Katie & Denise & Julie & Anon



What This Could Mean For Your Relationships

By the end of this Workshop, you're going to see possibilities and opportunities in your Relationships in a way you may have never dreamed of.

Through the work I have done with my clients, I know what it takes to help you become confident and successful in your career.

And I want to show you how it's done.

This ain't hype. It's as real as rain.

Once you get the system down, you can repeat it as often as you choose. There are no limits to how quickly you can implement what we teach you.

By the end of 5 days, you'll walk away with your own Reclaim Your Spark Method...

Complete with a step-by-step plan, guaranteed!

Meet Your Host

[Host Name]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet!

Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exer citation ullamco.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

[Host Name]

Owner of XYZ



And here’s why...

The Workshop starts Monday, Apr 29 and runs for five days, starting @ 7pm CST for approximately 60 minutes per session, followed by LIVE Q&A each day.

What I'm about show you during this event is SIMPLE.

However, MOST PEOPLE (not you), but most people, only put in half the effort. :(

🟢 They show up session 01...

🟡 Maybe session 02...

🟠 Perhaps do some of the assignments...

🔴 And like MOST things in life, this just becomes 'another thing that didn't work'.

We don't want that to happen.

To be quite frank…

If you feel you won't be in a position to participate, PLAY FULL OUT, BE ON CAMERA, and COMPLETE the assignments, then this will be a waste of your time and ours.

But if you’re a serious player…

You’re someone who’s looking for a radical shift in your Relationships

And want to learn how to implement our "Reclaim Your Spark Method"...

AND... you match the following criteria:

1. You feel overlooked in your professional life (Struggling to stand out and be recognized for your hard work and talents)

2. You are a Christian business woman (Seeking to integrate your faith with your professional aspirations)

3. You are ready to invest in yourself (Willing to take the steps necessary to enhance your self-esteem and career prospects)

Then this Workshop will help you go from “Insecure Businesswoman” to “Confident Female Leader” faster than a bowling ball on a slip-n-slide. 

So if you’re ready to join us for the Reclaim Your Spark 5 day Workshop

Click the button below right now to claim your seat:

Ready to gain clarity and walk away with a solid action plan?...


Let's do this!

Tamara Lynn Grgas

How To Get A Free* Ticket

(Request Your Seat)

This is an extremely exclusive event, only 100 people will be allowed

to attend LIVE on zoom.

To qualify you must* ...

- [Qualification #1]

- [Qualification #2]

- [Qualification #3]

We are bringing together the best of the best.

If you meet this criteria, click below to submit your application.

The next step will be a quick 10 minute phone conversation with a

member of the [Team Name].

We want to make sure this event is the right fit for you and that you'll

get the most out of [Event Name].

Finally, you'll receive an official invitation to the event including some

additional bonuses for attending.

Sets Booked: 90%

Common Questions

What time is the Workshop?

The Workshop starts Monday, Apr 29 @ 7pm CST for approximately 60 minutes per session over five days, with a LIVE Q&A after each session. Even if we've already started, we recommend you still jump in and join us... you'll still get a TON of value!

What time is the Workshop?

The next Workshop is right around the corner. Be sure to join the waiting list!

Who is the 'Reclaim Your Spark Workshop' for?

This Workshop is for Gen X Business Women looking to Create a bullet-proof gameplan to eradicate the feeling of being overlooked and insecure both personally and professionally.

What will I get out of attending this Workshop?

You'll get the 'Reclaim Your Spark Method' and 5 Step Framework designed to help you become confident and successful in your career.

What if I can't make the event? Are there replays?

There are temporary replays; however, as the information and content shared on this Workshop is proprietary, we take them down at the end of the event. We highly recommend that you show up LIVE on the dates and times scheduled and leverage the replays if you absolutely cannot make one of the sessions.

If I like what I get from the Workshop, will you coach me?

I get asked this all the time. Like this Workshop, I'm very selective about who I work with. My suggestion is to show up for the entire Reclaim Your Spark Workshop and let's see where you are afterward in your desire and focus to go further.

Can I bring a guest?

Yes! You are more than welcome to bring anyone whom you think would be a great fit so long as they met the qualifications.

Common Questions

What time is the event?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Are there replays?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

What will I get out of this event?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

Is there a cost to attend?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

Can I bring a guest?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

What Are You Waiting For?!

In The [Event Name] I'm going to share the SIMPLE, CLEAR,

& PROVEN [System] that I Personally used to [Get Big Result]

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We make no claims or representation that by using our products or services, you will earn money, make your money back. Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of LuminaryLife Network, products, or services. Their results are not typical, and your experience will vary based upon the effort and education of you, your significant others, your business’s employees and management, the model that is implemented, and market forces beyond anyone’s control.

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